05 January, 2012

The most despicable of men

Given what passes for Christian churches in these united States, it is not surprising that the So-Called get their religious entertainment fix each week are shocked to see the condition of the church in Palestine, Russia, north Africa, and etc.  Most but not all of these areas are where one find the church of Jesus Christ.  As Martin Luther wrote:
The church is offensive to the wise and counted with criminals.  This is the lot of the church because this was the lot of Christ, the Head of the Church.
The results of this distance between the church of Jesus Christ and what passes for it here in these united States is of great magnitude.  But this also has a great impact upon the those within each.  In these united States the message is one of "power, wealth, peace, honor, wisdom, and righteousness."  The So-Called preachers cover the remnant with "slander, bitter hatred, persecution, and blasphemy."  This is license for the So-Called to treat the remnant with "contempt and ingratitude."

Robert A. Kelly has pointed out that the fact that the So-Called,
who carry out the persecution of and inflict suffering on Christ's people are the agents of the devil does not mean that they are obviously and outwardly wicked people.  Some are, but most are often the most outwardly pious, upright, and religious people.  They are full of holy zeal to protect God and morality from assault.
And so it is and so it will be.  But what about those who deliver Christ's words of "affliction, shame, persecution, death, etc."  Well, for the most part they are out of step with the new and the enlightened.  They are "the most despicable of men" and thus the source of the church's glory.


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